The week ahead: September 2nd through September 8th:


The beginning of the week shows that you’ve been looking to the past lately, and this could mean a relationship or event. You’re trying to see what happened with clearer eyes and a happier heart. It’s not that you’re trying to see it better than it was, just the lessons you learned from it all. There is a real push to change your world by changing your perspective. You may have come to many conclusions, a few of which may have stung a bit as they surfaced. Nonetheless, these were realities you needed to face and you’re much stronger now because of it. If you look to the card, you’ll notice by the unicorns mouth is a banner. On the banner are two symbols–one for Aquarius and one for Capricorn. Aquarius stands for social consciousness and higher ideals, while Capricorn marks the return and reemergence of solar energy. This symbology lends itself to the themes for the beginning of the week. There is a light being shone on things you must understand to move forward, which helps you to see the impact you make on others, and thus allows you to grow. The card goes on to say that if this is a situation: Events in your life go into high speed! Your plans can now be implemented, and you should see a great deal of activity. Intellect and creativity rule the day, so adopt non traditional viewpoints. Take the time to consider choices carefully. If this is about a person: An extremely intelligent person who has the ability to act fast and think even faster. A genuine “go-getter” who is unstoppable in support of a cause. Idealistic. Decisive. Knowledgeable. Tireless. Assertive. Sometimes tactless. Additional Meanings: An unanticipated situation or conflict. An impulsive decision. A “knight in shining armor.”

The middle of the week speaks about your passion, which can mean a relationship or project. At this point, after everything that has transpired, you’re certainly taking your time in relation to what you’re trying to manifest. You realize for your dreams to reach fruition, you must plan out your actions in a logical way. It’s important you stay honest with yourself throughout the process and you continue to research for more information. If you look to the card you’ll notice that the fairy woman is surrounded by a plethora of spirit animals. This symbology suggests you call in your friends for help or advice. The fairy woman is holding a golden ball of light (like the sun) in her left hand (receiving energy), which illuminates everything she touches, including her intentions. In her right hand (giving energy) is a sword which symbolizes that the power is in your hands. You direct where you want this project or relationship to go. The card goes on to say that if this is about a situation: You’ll likely receive new information that presents a challenge or delays. The message may come from someone who speaks bluntly and without thoughtfulness, but don’t take it personally. What’s important is the message, not the messenger. If this is about a person: A youth who’s often intelligent, honest, and endlessly curious. A person who’s analytical, with a brilliant intellect, and who can reveal the truth behind situations. Fair. Logical. Unemotional. Impulsive. Additional Meanings: A new challenge. A contract or agreement. Constructive criticism. Legal matters. Gossip.

The end of the week speaks about continued transformation. Be gentle with yourself as you are continuing to expand in your thoughts and intentions, possibly even your environment. If you give yourself the patience to grow that you deserve, you will be successful in all your pursuits. 3 is an important number in this card and speaks about the length of time you’ll be transforming. It could be 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, or 3 years. Only you know how long it will take to change everything that needs transformation. Again, this is about being patient with the process. Do not rush anything, and accept that all of this is happening for your betterment. The card goes on to say that if this is about a situation: Good news about financial matters is coming soon! Your plans move successfully forward at a steady pace. You may adopt a new interest or passion. If this is about a person: A youth who’s a student or who enjoys studying. Someone who can be optimistic, but still realistic about what can be accomplished. Successful. Dependable. Patient. Frugal. Trustworthy. Additional Meanings: Doing your research. Wisdom beyond one’s years. A return to school. Materialism.

Transformation is the name of the game this week. Remember all that work we did with patience last week? Now is the time to implement what you learned. Didn’t work on it? It’s OK, but you need to foster what’s needed. Jumping two steps ahead will get you thrown back to the start of the line, so take it one step at a time. Learning to enjoy the process may help take your mind off of the difficulties faced. Call on your friends if your back is to the wall, and remember that you direct where you want your transformation to go, so keep it positive.

September 5th is a new moon, so keep your eyes peeled for a helpful article I’ll post on the subject.

If you’d like a more in-depth, personal reading, please go to

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This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂

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