29 Feb The week ahead: February 29th through March 6th:
I’m kinda blown away that it’s March tomorrow. I feel like it was JUST New Year’s eve–right?? Anyway, welcome to the transition of Feb into March, where everything is in flux. We’re moving out of one mode of thinking and being with transformative themes, into an even more super packed month full of the same. If you haven’t received a breather yet, you may want to do it now. So this week, focus on gratitude. I’m kinda keeping the same theme as last week since it’s still important and really still going on in our lives. It’s super easy to be grateful for the big things that happen, but I also hope you put some attention on the small things too. The small things we’re doing are helping us to move along the storyline of our lives, so make sure you “smell the roses” along the way. Remember to be detailed in your approach to what you need and to focus on what you do have so you can bring more of that goodness in. All in all, this week is shaping up to be a good one and will lead into our new moon on the 8th. If you have any issues going forward, refocus yourself to bring up what you’re grateful for instead. This might distract you from your issues long enough to come up with that genius idea you’ve been needing for a while now. Be flexible, be grateful, and be open to new possibilities this week, and there won’t be a damn thing you can’t overcome. 🙂
Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two, or all three cards–pick what you’re drawn to). The stone for this week is rainbow moonstone. Rainbow Moonstone intensifies your feminine “Goddess” energy! It is a stone that enhances your feelings and encourages fervent desires, eager expectation and heartfelt resolve. It holds within it the deep seated nature of feminine energy, and this energy will help to balance the masculine-feminine vibrations within your body, and will nurture your spirit. This beautiful crystal has a powerful vibration that may heighten psychic abilities, and aid you to embrace your gifts. Moonstones have a highly spiritual nature, and you may benefit by putting this vibration to work in your life. This is a wonderful crystal with a vibration that will assist women to recognize and embrace their innate personal power. These beautiful crystals reflect within them the magical healing qualities of the vibrations of the moon. Within men, its energy may influence your brain, and aid you to become more emotionally balanced, as the right side of your brain is stimulated to become more creative. If you’d like to learn more about rainbow moonstone, please go here.
If you chose card #1: Your message this week is about Reflection. Your card goes on to say that the hurried pace of modern life can often dictate that we make quick decisions, which sometimes result in costly mistakes. The pressure of juggling multiple responsibilities can leave some to feel their lives are on autopilot, yet paradoxically, a constant focus on “getting things done” can cause us to lose sight of what we’re doing and more importantly, why. The presence of this card invites you to step out of the realm of reaction and into the realm of reflection. Take a full view of your life as a whole. Witness how patterns emerge and how God has guided you. By reviewing past mistakes, you can gain clarity to why something did not work and evaluate whether change may be appropriate. Reflection is a vital component of our learning process and facilitates expanded awareness of our position and purpose of life. It requires focus, and focus requires that we wisely invest in making time for the transformational power of reflection.
If you chose card #2: Your message this week is about Playfulness. Your card goes on to say that George Bernard Shaw said, “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” The responsibilities and rigors of age can thwart our ability to live in the moment. Shameless surrender to the act of playfulness can sometimes be perceived as immaturity in the face of life’s harsh challenges. But the essence of playfulness beckons us to remember that we are also players in the game of life, and from this perspective, we remain in the world but not of it. While thought and logic are intrinsic servants on our path to ascension, they are poor masters. The balanced integration of body, mind and spirit brings about a holistic perspective in which there is a vital, healthful place for exploring your unique creative potential through the innocence of playfulness. By drawing this card, the Higher Power inspires you to seek answers by experimenting with this gift and the many benefits it bestows in daily life. Relinquish the need to control outcomes and embrace the spontaneous nature of this divine attribute. Expect a profound level of release while making way for a clearer flow of intuition and inspiration.
If you chose card #3: Your message this week is about Harmony. Your card goes on to say that this card depicts a solitary Orpheus, musician to the gods, playing his lyre in a secluded temple. The seven strings of the instrument correspond to various planets, and the sides represent the relationship between heaven and earth. The melodies Orpheus created were said to enchant and unify all animals, birds and beings. Swallows dart and dive over head against the canvas of indigo night sky. In the human aura, the color blue represents healing and takes on a sacred significance in many ancient and iconic religious paintings. By drawing this card, you are asked to release any possible feelings of conflict, judgment or isolation by attuning yourself to the encompassing frequencies of harmony. Bear in mind that in musical terms there is a vital place for unison and dissonance, and the dance between them makes for a colorful and original composition. Furthermore, a shared appreciation of both aspects is essential between the players. And so it is with life. The art of listening, whether to the needs of others, the voice of nature or the silence of your own soul, is essential to discovering your unique part in the great symphony of life.
My hope for you this week is that you don’t rush ahead like a crazy person. Take your time and get things done right. When you take the time to dot all your i’s and cross all your t’s is when your work really comes out in beautiful ways. When your focus becomes working with what you do have, all the other drama falls away. Release the resistance to taking your time this week and see how much better everything you touch with this mentality gets. Go big or go home, Lovelies!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEk1KUw2_Js&w=560&h=315]
This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂
Posted at 12:09h, 02 MarchThe Sacred Feminine well represented here (theme, stone, and cards). A timely message as the elections loom large and women need to awaken and assert themselves to maintain/strengthen rights we should have without question (rather than continuing to fight the same battle over and over and over again).
Thank you, Sarah. Very well done!
Sarah Martucci
Posted at 16:19h, 02 MarchBeautifully put, Selene!! ? So much truth to what you said. Thank you for your wisdom and feedback, my friend!