03 Nov The week ahead: November 2nd through November 8th:
A week ago, I prayed for positive change, I prayed for abundance, and I prayed for peace. The day after I prayed for these things with all of my heart, I got my response, but not in the way I had imagined. I suddenly started to have flashbacks again about my childhood and the painful things that occurred, and most of the flashbacks involved my father. For the last 5 years I’ve been working on healing my traumatic childhood and the things that had happened, and I honestly felt like I was at peace with most of it. I really thought I was ok about everything. Maybe that’s the funny thing about praying for change; you never know what’s going to resurface to help you get there. At first I was furious he was taking up space in my head again, but I realized I had only ever been that feeling about him–angry. So I chose to do what I feared most, and I decided to face the pain and see what it was that I had been keeping locked away. What surfaced was years of rejection, torment and abuse. What came out of me was repressed pain in the form of tears and the feeling that a gaping hole had been punched through my chest. I honestly thought I was dying for a day or two. But I realized that the gaping hole was the open space left after I released my pain, available now for whatever I needed to bring in for this change I so wanted. The tears where the release I desperately needed and the symbolic washing away of what no longer was serving me anymore. I had just given myself everything I had prayed for, just by facing my pain. Now that I’m on the other side of my prayer, is my pain completely gone now? No, but that’s ok. It will never fully go away, and that’s alright. This scar reminds me that I survived, that I’m much stronger than I ever thought I was, and how important it is for me to be loving towards and understating of others in my life. So this week, pay attention to what comes up for you after you ask the Universe for something. You may feel like it has nothing to do with what you asked for, but it may just be your answer in disguise <3
Go ahead and pick a card from above (it can be one, two, or all three cards. Choose what you’re dawn to). The stone you see in the picture above is Selenite and the white feather is to represent that your Angels are always with you. A protective stone, Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences. Selenite can evoke protection from the angelic realm and also dispels negative energy. The powerful energies of Selenite help one connect with one’s guides, guardians, Christ Consciousness and Higher Self. Selenite can be held or placed around a person to facilitate such a connection. If you’d like to learn more about this stone, please go here.
If you chose card #1: Your message this week is about a successful time. Confidently accept opportunities you’re offered. The Midas touch. Your card goes on to say that if this is about a situation: This is a successful time. Your current project will go well. You may be promoted or offered a higher salary. Your talents and skills will bring rewards for you and others. Accept the opportunities offered you and have confidence that you’ll succeed! If this is about a person: Someone with outstanding business skills who is good with money and can provide excellent advice. A person who has been successful in a career and now enjoys the finer things in life. Professional. Generous. Responsible. Practical. Competent. Additional Meanings: The Midas touch • A captain of industry • Employers • Financial security.
If you chose card #2: Your message this week is about falling in love or the resurgence of a relationship. Spiritual growth and enhanced intuition. A new home. Your card goes on to say that A wonderful new person is coming into your life! This could involve a budding romantic relationship or renewed romance within your current relationship. Positive emotions such as joy, pleasure, and happiness are likely. You may find yourself falling in love. Your psychic abilities, especially clairsentience (intuitive feelings), take flight at this time. Spiritual growth accompanies the rich emotional experiences you’re having right now. Additional Meanings: True friendship • Soul mates • Compassion and kindness • A new home.
If you chose card #3: Your message this week is about contentment, peace, and abundance. A happy home life. The successful completion of a project. Your card goes on to say that You’ve worked hard and are now rewarded with contentment, peace, and abundance. The freedom your success has afforded you provides deep feelings of satisfaction. You’ve safely navigated your way through the obstacles to a place you can feel proud of. Matters at home are rewarding. Someone may be getting married or planning to move in with a partner. Peace and harmony have been established, and now you seek stability and commitment. Additional Meanings: A milestone event in your career • As successfully completed project • Counting your blessings • Feeling elated • Engagement, marriage, or honeymoon.
My hope for you this week is that you pay attention to what’s going on. Tap into your world and be truly present. It’s super easy to get stuck up in your own head and put blinders on to what’s happening around or even within you. Be aware, be open and be willing to allow an answer to come to you, even if you think it’s not what you’ve asked for.
This is your week! Make it an amazing one
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