The week ahead: October 12th through October 18th:


We have a new moon in Libra tonight! So what can we expect? BALANCE, and lots of it. If you think you have balance right now, it would behoove you to check the scales. Anything pretending to be balance or a half hearted effort towards it will be brought out into full view, thanks to an opposition in Uranus–the planet that lives for upheaval and rebellion. This is to serve a bigger purpose in your life, but if you find you have sudden craziness occurring, you can bet it’s in a place that needs restructuring. I’m sure you’re bemoaning me on that one–who really needs all this upheaval anyway? You do, and here’s why: any area in your life where the expression of truth is quieted or needs are unexpressed is not a healthy one, so it’s time to do some work. Do you really enjoy being in so much pain or not being able to express what’s most important to you? No? Didn’t think so, so do something about it. Stop being so nice, or accommodating, or maybe being the overbearing one that no one can talk to. It’s time for a reality check and this Libra new moon is ushering it in. Go with the flow on this one and see what this energy picks up on. You may have to fix or break a couple relationships in your life, but it’s going to help you get into a space where you can be more authentic. And yes, we can always use more of that 🙂

Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two or all three cards–just pick what you’re drawn to). Everybody has a coupe stones this week, so I’ll list them under which card you pick for the week ahead.


If you chose card #1: Your message this week is that you’ve come into your own. New partnerships or contracts. Continue to move forward. Your card goes on to say that this is a time of coming into your own. The steps you’re taking to improve your career or business are on the right track. As you move forward, courageous choices are necessary and will be rewarded. Continue forging ahead, and don’t be discouraged by temporary delays. Also, don’t allow anyone to hinder your progress. Consider working in partnership with those who skills compliment your own. Joint endeavors can help you achieve your goals. Negotiations move smoothly at this time. Additional Meanings: Excellent foresight • Hope for the future • Contracts and business agreement • Great potential • Controlled progress. Your stones this week are: Clear Quartz, Rainbow Moonstone and Herkimer Diamond. 

If you chose card #2: Your message this week is about great sadness. Take time to heal. The need to forgive yourself or others. Your card goes on to say that something has occurred that makes you sad. This may be a current situation, or something from your past that has lingered and continues to distress you. Trust that the sadness will pass and you’ll eventually see this situations purpose in your life. Take time to heal. Release painful memories and move bravely forward. Forgiveness is a powerful healer. Don’t hold on to the energy of past disappointments or conflict. Remember to forgive yourself for choices you might wish you’d made differently. You did the best you could at the time, and allow yourself to move on. Additional Meanings: Misunderstandings • Loneliness • Relationship concerns • Painful Revelations. Your stones this week are: Clear Quartz, Apophyllite, and Herkimer Diamond. 

If you chose card #3: Your message this week is good news about financial matters. Wanting to do something more challenging. A new area of study. Your card goes on to say that if this is about a situation: good news about financial matters is coming soon! Your plans move successfully forward at a steady pace. You may adopt a new interest or passion. If this is about a person: A youth who’s a student or who enjoys studying. Someone who can be optimistic, but still realistic about what can be achieved. Successful. Dependable. Patient. Frugal. Trustworthy. Additional Meanings: Doing your research • Wisdom beyond one’s years • A return to school • Materialism. Your stones this week are: Scolectite, Petrified Wood, and Herkimer Diamond. 

My hope for you this week is that you also take stock in what’s going good for you. Just like my box of crystals and stones in the pictures above, you too have a lot of goodness that you pick and choose from to help your situation right now. Stop see-sawing back and forth between feeling awful and on top of the world. For some us, it’s the only way we’ve ever been. Get off the crazy horse, sit on the ground, and look at ALL that you are and have done (good and bad). When you have a better balance about what’s going on inside, you stand a better chance of fixing what’s out of balance on the outside. Take it from this cowgirl that’s had her fair share of see-saw rodeos 😉

This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂

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