27 Oct The week ahead: October 26th through November 1st:
We have a beautiful, full super moon (this would be the third super moon in a row) in Taurus coming up on the 27th. This full moon is putting a spotlight on what you love and value, and since Taurus is all about the physical, material things in life, you may be asking yourself what things of substance truly matter to you now. You could also be taking stock in what loves and values you back. Thanks to the sun also being in Scorpio, we could be starting conversations (and hopefully, grounded action) around what’s no longer serving our higher good. Since Scorpio is all about letting things go and rebirth, that means it’s time we get real on what needs to fall away so we can move forward. What are you holding onto that needs to be released, or more aptly, what do you need to let go of, that’s holding you back? This could be anything from ideas, to people or emotions. Always check yourself first, and make sure issues around self worth or self love aren’t ruling your decision making process. If they are, what can you do to release these emotional pains? Can you see how these things are holding you back from shining your light into this world? Be real with yourself now, or anyone or anything that you need to face. Always speak your truth with love, and when in doubt, treat the other as you want someone to treat you. Most importantly, embrace the things that come up for you now and use it as a launching pad for joy going forward. Once you start this powerful process of release, you’ll finally open up a place for everything else you’ve been praying for.
Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two or all three cards–pick what you’re drawn to). There’s no stone this week in the picture, but the cleansing, healing, and renewing power of water. I chose water to help us start the process of releasing what we’re holding onto, and to help us with the renewal process going forward.
If you chose card #1: Your message this week is to trust the creative spark you’re feeling, and express it through writing stories that inspire and enlighten. Your card goes on to say that the pulse of creativity is especially strong right now, triggering a not unfamiliar and compelling desire to express yourself through creative writing. Whether or not the tales you weave are true, whether they’re based on actual experience or the imaginings of your fertile mind, each day sit yourself down and pour out the words that come to you. Don’t ponder each sentence or paragraph; just write whatever wants to be written through you. To inspire and enlighten others, you don’t need a profoundly complex tale. Start by describing a personal experience, one where you gain some insight that may also be useful for others. However, don’t focus on how people will respond to your story; instead, just enjoy the process of writing without judging your work or yourself. Write to express–not to impress. In attempting to write, you may find yourself easily distracted, either with others needs for your time and attention or with those negative thoughts and beliefs that are the product of judgments and shame that you were subjected to during childhood. A powerful way to release these habitual and self-limiting thoughts and feelings is to write about them in story form. As you do so, don’t hold anything back. Through such a catharsis, you heal those words that had originally wounded you. Additional Meanings: Creativity • Wisdom • Weaving • Balance • Storytelling • Writing • Connectedness • Inspiration • Femininity • Nurturing • Communication • Imagination • Individuality.
If you chose card #2: Your message this week is that this is a good time to go on a new adventure. Your card goes on to say that your sense of adventure is calling you. Can you hear it? Listen to your heart of hearts–the still, small voice that whispers to you of holy and exotic places and of the pleasure in discovering the unfamiliar and novel, feeling confident and trusting in your instincts and intuition to guide you on your journey. Let this be a wandering pilgrimage, when were you can be appreciative of whatever circumstances you encounter and make the best of them. Have some idea of where and what you’ll be doing, but don’t be attached to the plan. Instead, be willing to adjust your itinerary as you are so guided. Dismiss the voice that says, Yeah, sounds good, but I can’t do that because…. This kind of thinking not only limits you by always keeping you in the illusion of comfort and safety, but also leads you to avoiding the real life drama that comes from stretching your comfort zone. You need not do so in a way that puts you in any real danger, as there are many opportunities where risk is minimal, yet the thrill and excitement of exploration is still there. So heed the calling, and first believe that it’s possible for you to act on it. And don’t wait too long. Life is too short. Additional Meanings: Completion • Freedom • Innocence • Action • Attentiveness • Roaming • Wanderlust • Adventure • Pilgrimage • Restlessness • Protectiveness • Exploration • Lightheartedness • Playfulness.
If you chose card #3: Your message this week is to stand up for yourself and speak your truth respectfully and compassionately, with no attachment to outcome. Your card goes on to say that when you express yourself from your heart and from a place of power, it’s an unbeatable combination. You don’t need to growl or bully, nor do you need to fade into the background and deny yourself the opportunity to directly affect the situation. But showing up and being completely present, even when you’re simply listening, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Ask for what you want, and see what happens. Don’t get worked up about how it turns out. You may or may not get what you want, but at least your chances are much better if you do ask. As for setting boundaries with others (such as saying no to requests or demands), when you do so, they may respect those boundaries or try to test them. If they do test the limits you’ve set, stand your ground, be clear, and don’t apologize. Approach the situation with the purity and innocence of a child and the focused intensity of a true warrior–one who doesn’t speak or act from anger, but from a place of truth and dignity. Know that when you do so, you have nothing to fear. Additional Meanings: Fearlessness • Leadership • Powerful • Provider • Self control • Strength • Wisdom • Nobility • Conservation • Intensity • Playfulness • Adaptability.
My hope for you this week is that by facing the pain inside of you (from yourself or another), you can begin the process of reorganizing your life in a way that heals you. You no longer have to be the same person you were a year ago, a month ago, or a minute ago. You have the right to start over again and do better–and so does everyone else. As long as you can come to the table in an open and real way, there’s nothing you can’t face and no obstacle you can’t overcome–at least for yourself. This time around, let the old stuff go, and be ready to build back up better and more clear than before. I believe in you, and the power of your beautiful heart <3
This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂
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