20 Oct The week ahead: October 19th through October 25th of 2020:
Coming off the new moon last week, we careen into Scorpio season on the 22nd.
But leading up to it, this last couple of days in Libra season may have us deeply relating to our connections that help us find balance in this crazy world, or even realizing which people throw us out of whack.
I’ve found in the transitional weeks where one season moves into another, it offers an opportunity to have a foot in both energies, where deep insights can surface, and presents the option to tie up lose ends.
And just as Libra is about how we connect with those we love, Scorpio is about the feeling of it all–the vulnerability, the fear, the joy, the intimacy and the trust. Scorpio demands the realness of it and we must deliver if we’d like to be born again into the understanding that if we do not go deep within, we cannot possibly go deep with others. To have the relationships you realize you want now, we have to do the work; that means trusting when you’d rather run, facing your fear and doing what is in your heart anyway, allowing yourself to feel joy for the love you do have now, and giving yourself permission to be intimate with yourself and another to deepen bonds.
This work is not for the faint of heart. It takes real courage to speak or show your heart when there is no guarantee of reciprocal feeling, and even more so when there is.
Just remember and on repeat this week, going into next: My vulnerability is my power 💖
So how can we work with the energy of this week? My advice is this: sit your booty down and face yourself and the ways you keep an arms length between you and the relationships you crave. How are you first denying yourself and then why? Was this something you grew up seeing from the adults around you? Are you repeating a pattern? Was it after getting hurt so many times, you didn’t know what else to do? Maybe it’s a way to stay in control when relationships always feel like chaos? Or possibly you didn’t get your needs met as a child, and with no good role model to look up to around healthy relationships, you’re doing what keeps you safe? See what comes up for you when you ask these questions, and don’t be surprised if memories float to the surface for review. The more you’re willing to go deep and face yourself, the closer you are to to making the connections you truly want and the healing you deserve.
Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two, or all three cards–choose what you’re drawn to). The top card is the overarching theme for everyone and it’s something to keep in mind or to remember, no matter what energy shows up for you as the week goes on. The stone you see in the picture above is Amber. Amber is a protective stone for children and may be worn as a necklace, bracelet, sewn into an infant’s garment or placed in their environment to ward off negative energies and shield them from harm. It is also prized for energetically reducing teething pain, though it should never be placed in the mouth. It is highly beneficial when treating infants or children for the mother to wear the Amber first. Wear or carry Amber when recovering from an illness or injury to increase vitality and draw on one’s own essential strength and desire for wellness. Its vibration of life force brings warmth to the inner being and imparts more of this energy into the system. Amber may also be used to achieve longevity, and is a marvelous gem for the elderly. As a love crystal, golden-orange Amber is a symbol of beauty and tenderness, a good-luck talisman for increasing natural radiance and attracting lasting love. It may be used to call in a twin soul, or for protection against negative outside influences and interference. It is a wonderful gem for assuring promises and has been used in the renewal of marriage vows. Believed to “electrify” desire, Amber is credited with helping to cure impotence and frigidity, and to aid female fertility and male potency. Amber is an exceptional rubbing stone for discharging negative moods, relieving anxiety, or deflecting energy from others. It warms the more it is touched and generates a positive, uplifting current of energy. Carry in the pocket, wear in jewelry, or use in rosary or prayer beads. Use Amber to purify any environment before use, or to remove negative energy by placing pieces of Amber around the space, spray as an elixir, or burn as incense. It also provides an effective screen after the area has been cleansed. For healers who work with removing entities from one’s energy field, Amber can be a valuable ally for sealing the aura after extraction and clearing any lingering negative patterns. Amber assists those who are new to exploring their psychic sensitivity by providing a Light barrier against negative forces until they are able to control their intuitive skills. If you’d like to learn more about this stone, please go here.
Overarching theme: Two of Cups: As a powerful window into the mechanics of our heart, this card speaks of partnerships, love, and mutual connections with others. The Two of Cups is also a card of new beginnings that shift our view of the world, when budding romance casts a haze of rosy light around us. This may indicate an early phase when two people first meet, lost in a wave of infatuation and longing. It is a dream-like state where the foreseeable path may not be so clear, as we lose sight of our personal goals or ambitions along the way. On another note, the Two of Cups can represent the emergence and importance of self-love – learning the difference between projecting our needs for love on others, as opposed to heartfelt connections that nourish balance and independence. This card may also illuminate the need for compromise, or for a choice to be made, in order to arrive at a comfortable solution between two people or opposing forces. Questions to ask yourself this week: Have I learned to appreciate myself, flaws and all? What is my true perception of love? Your mantra this week: I am worthy of love, within and without. I need not bypass my own heart, for others. Additional Meanings: Cooperation • Resolution • Love • Passion • Union.
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