05 Mar The week ahead: March 5th through March 11th of 2018:
We’re in the midst of Pisces season, which means the world of emotions is in charge. Our intuition is stronger and the world of dreams is far more enticing than reality. Escaping through drugs, spiritual bypassing, drinking, video games, disassociation, or anything really that helps you to go into a fantasy world is gonna be a thing. It helps to be creative during this time to assist you in staying grounded and present in the moment (added bonus for using water to ground yourself, too), so don’t hesitate to sing, write, dance, paint, sew, design, or create to express whats going on with you, especially if you’re having a hard time finding words or actions to get you moving forward.
This Pisces season is truly perfect though for being vulnerable and connecting with others on a deeper level, even spiritual, helping you to feel in touch on a deeper, more powerful level than what you’ve experienced before. So don’t hesitate this week to let others know how you feel. Be real, be true, and allow yourself to be seen. There is power in your vulnerability, and with great power comes great responsibility, so consider your actions going forward after you say what you must.
So how can we use the energy of this week to help us? My advice is this: How’s your mediation practice going? Not so great? Would you like calmer, more focused mind and energy? Maybe consider devoting 3 days a week to what helps you focus your crazy. Words aren’t jack shit without action to follow (Aries season is next and will be pointing to this); what action steps are you prepared to take after you let your intentions be known? Where are you begging to be seen in your life and how can you be vulnerable in this space, allowing others in so you feel more comfortable sharing who you are?
I just had the best session with my therapist on Sunday. I was discussing some of my trauma, especially around food and my weight with her. Warning to anyone reading this that’s skittish about or gets triggered by stories of abuse, this next part is ugly. An extended family member would take me around to McDonald’s, Burger King, Hardee’s, or any other fast food joint that sounded good and we’d order whatever we wanted, as well as whatever candy store was on the way or in between. I would literally gorge myself on fast food and candy and would come back to my parents house after these visits with my stomach distended. These binges would usually be followed the next day with getting me on a scale, showing me how fat I was and starving me, coupled with interrogations (usually between 12 and 3 am) about my parents (this person did not like my mother), beatings, and locking me in rooms with the lights off if I didn’t give the information that was wanted. Most times, the awful part lasted no more than a couple days, followed back up with eating all the junk food I could shove into my face when the mood had changed or I had information to give that satisfied this extended family member. My therapist didn’t miss a beat in saying to me, “You equate comfort food with freedom.” Holy fuck, I do. I had never made that connection before. So now if I’m going for or craving comfort food real bad, I need to ask myself why or with what I am feeling caged in (are my cravings really for junk food or freedom?). This small realization is changing my health you guys, and if I hadn’t been vulnerable with my therapist, I don’t know how long it would have taken me to realize this connection on my own, stuck in my pain perspective. This week, your vulnerability is your power; own that power, be open, and be unapologetic about it <3
Go ahead an pick a card from above (pick one, two, or all three cards–pick what you’re drawn to). The stone not pictured above is pink tourmaline (I don’t have this stone…yet). Pink Tourmaline helps calm and soothe the heart, assisting with angina, irregular heartbeat and recovery from heart attack. Pink Tourmaline is beneficial in treating all gynecological conditions, especially in regulating the menstrual cycle to make conception easier. It is also believed to provide support for girls and boys approaching puberty. Pink Tourmaline is thought to be helpful for spinal problems or injuries, the nervous system, neuralgia and migraines. It also aids in balancing a dysfunctional endocrine system, and may be useful in treating the lungs and skin disorders. Tourmaline is a marvelous tool for balancing the right/left hemispheres of the brain and bringing mental processes into alignment with the chakras and auric body. It diminishes fear and may be useful in treating paranoia, and to overcome dyslexia by improving eye/hand coordination and the assimilation and translation of coded information. Pink Tourmaline is an extraordinary crystal for cleansing the emotional body of destructive feelings and old wounds accumulated over time. It releases guilt, worry, depression and anxieties, and guides those emotions into self-love. It helps the emotionally “numb” to recover passion and a zest for life, and helps the timid find the courage to love by changing old patterns of thinking and inspiring new trust in opening the heart. Pink Tourmaline stimulates happiness and joy, peace and relaxation. If you’d like to learn more about this stone, please go here.
If you chose card #1: Your message this week is about Release and Recovery. Your card goes on to say that with an inner knowing, Moth seeks the light in the darkness. Her journey to find the light may navigate her through ongoing darkness, yet she holds faith and knowing that she will move through the rough patches. Mouth urges you to not deny nor suppress heartache, but to allow your feelings to flow freely so that they may eventually be released. The weight of sadness will be transformed into love and courage. New breakthroughs will take place. Additional Meanings: Emotional release • Delays • Disorder • Sorrow • Moving into personal power • Letting go of negative energies • Recovery.
If you chose card #2: Your message this week is about Insight and Focus. Your card goes on to say that a messenger on a mission, Falcon is focused on her target. In search of new experiences, she sets her sights confidently on what she wants. Falcon is the victorious insignia for foresight and vision. Her power of insight gives her the ability to make choices that create balance and integration within her world. Now is the time to manifest your ideas into form. You hold the power within to take flight in a new direction. Recognize your full potential, go forth courageously, and stand by your decisions. Persevere, and you will achieve your goals. Additional Meanings: Decisions • Planning • Insight • Progress • Boldness • Focus • Goals attained.
If you chose card #3: Your message this week is about Renewal and Enlightenment. Your card goes on to say that Peacock, watchful and dignified, trusts in the wonders that the future holds. Her feathers are associated with resurrection: a rising from the ashes. It’s now time to shed the feathers of your past and be rid of your old ways of thinking. Step into the beauty of your individuality with the new plume of self-confidence. Graced with the vision to see ahead, Peacock will direct you and making all the changes you desire; changes that will result in new patterns and breakthroughs. This is a time of inner-development and new beginnings. Great things are about to take place. Be mindful of your dream state, as it will bring forth revelations and ideas that will help you shape your new reality. Allow the new to emerge. You are the divine self reawakened. Additional Meanings: Renewal • Enlightenment • Revelation • Spiritual awakening • Healing • New purpose.
My hope for you this week is that you realize that there’s a back story to some of your toughest hurdles. I believe and know that in facing these back stories and being real about situations that shaped our lives, we can uncover some hidden keys that help us unlock our potential from the hurdle we’re currently battling with. Don’t discredit letting others in, too. The power offered by being a mirror for another person can help them (or allow you) to see a deeper truth at play. Be brave, be open, but mostly, be yourself <3
This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂
Posted at 11:42h, 06 MarchReblogged this on Moon In Selene and commented:
Check out Sarah – she will never steer you wrong!
Posted at 11:54h, 06 MarchCheck out The Broccoli Forest – a great cookbook with lovely recipes made with fabulous ingredient – which you could further improve with organics and fresh herbs!