12 Feb The week ahead: February 12th through February 18th:
It’s the new moon solar eclipse time, Lovelies! The awesome astrologer Jamie Patridge from astrologyking.com says, “A solar eclipse is just like a regular new moon where the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. However, a solar eclipse is more powerful because the Moon darkens the Sun.” This week we have one of these beautiful monsters on the 15th in the sign of Aquarius. Expect things to get weird and wacky, with an emphasis on that air sign quality of communication of all kinds. In your relationships this Aquarius season and for the eclipse, you might be feeling the need for some independence. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing in that you may be focusing on what your personal needs are at this point in your life. That re-calibration can actually help your family, partnership, marriage, or whatever situation you have going on. You being happy and following what it is that sings to your soul, also sets a good example for those around you, so don’t be afraid of the changes happening within and continue to follow them; your soul is trying to guide your crazy ass, so for the love of all that’s holy, pay attention powerful one 🙂
If you remember me saying last week that the work we do on our personal journeys, sometimes help more than just ourselves; I feel like this week will be a continuation of that theme, really asking us to look at a bigger picture in terms of what changes we need to make in order to get the life we’ve only been dreaming of. In turn, I think that the work we do will help the bigger group at large, or at the very least, we should look for ways that we can use what changes we’ve made to help whatever groups we feel pulled to make a difference in. Jamie Partridge says,
“The partial solar eclipse on Thursday February 15, 2018 occurs at 27° Aquarius in the Tropical Zodiac. The astrology of solar eclipse February 2018 has a major focus on ideas and communication because it closely aligns with the planet Mercury. Also joining the new moon February 2018 solar eclipse are two asteroids named Juno and Hygeia. This means love and companionship, and health and medicine will be topics of discussion to come from this eclipse.
The February 2018 solar eclipse also makes a positive aspect to the planet Uranus. This means you can make positive changes to improve your life. This is a solar eclipse of freedom and choice, with exciting new ideas and technologies to give you a happier, healthier and more enjoyable life.
Together with the January 31 lunar eclipse, the February 15 solar eclipse signals a new awareness and changing times for women trapped in forced marriage, prostitution and slavery. This is a good eclipse phase for the rights, health, welfare and education of women in general and mothers in particular.”
So how can we us the energy of this week to help us? My advice is this: What choices do you need to make in order to gain the freedom you’ve been looking for? What personal gifts and abilities do you bring to your group, family, or friend structures to help everyone thrive as a whole? What new projects/goals/dreams need to be implematned at this solar eclipse so you can start to build something of substance? This week, allow new changes to take place, especially ones that support the best version of you and the life you want <3
Consider doing an invocation, prayer or mediation on the night of the 16th or 17th to help you break free from old habits or to help you get clear on your new way of living. Feel free to use this invocation or make up your own. I like to write down what I’m trying to work towards and keep it in a place I can see it everyday. At the full moon, I’ll check off what I’ve accomplished towards my goals and reassess what working and what’s not.
Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two, or all three cards–pick what you’re drawn to). The stone you see in the picture is astrophyllite. The name “Astrophyllite” comes from the Greek “astron” for “star” and “phyllon” for “leaf” due to its starburst-like sprays. Astrophyllite helps to release old patterns and programming without any guilt so that forward progress can be made. It assists and guides one to reaching one’s full potential, allowing for the recognition/realization that there truly are no limitations or obstacles. Astrophyllite’s motto is “Believe and you will achieve.” Astrophyllite is a wonderful companion for astral travel, out of body journeys and dream time, as it helps to protect and guide when needed. Astrophyllite increases sensitivity of touch and perception, which makes it an excellent tool for those who are working in the alternative healing fields such as massage or acupressure, as it enhances awareness of what the client needs. Physically, Astrophyllite works with issues of the hormonal and reproductive systems, including PMS and menopause issues. It can also be used in the areas of cell regeneration, epilepsy and the large intestines. If you’d like to learn more about this stone, please go here.
If you chose card #1: Your message this week is about Strategy and Resilience. Your card goes on to say that Armadillo brings gifts of protection and resilience. She has the ability to expand the borders of her comfort zone while protecting her boundaries. Armadillo’s energy provides a shield against emotional harm. Be open to varied opinions, yet stay balanced without compromising your personal principles. Wear your spiritual armor, yet choose your battles, knowing that you have the inner strength to move forward whatever the outcome. Conflict is a test of the willpower. You can agree to disagree, and at the same time stand firmly for what you truly believe in. The face of adversity can bring a fresh perspective. A change in approach may be what is needed to manifest the desired results. Additional Meanings: Overcoming challenge • Strategy • Integrity • Vitality • Protection • Patience • Acceptance.
If you chose card #2: Your message this week is about Choice and Trust. Your card goes on to say that the fiercely loyal Wolf walks through life with confidence and endurance. He brings faith and intuition to all forms of love. Communicative and affectionate, Wolf trusts in the power of love and in the bonds of companionship. His primal howl is an expression of living life with passion, and the desire for connection. He finds strength in unity while also maintaining his independence. Wolf lends his discipline and harmony in relationship building and decision making. He urges you to sing the song of your hearts essence. Tune in to your inner voice for guidance; through this you will access the wisdom needed in making the best choices. Additional Meanings: Choice • Trust • Commitment • Devotion • Passion • Companionship • Harmony • Divine connection.
If you chose card #3: Your message this week is about Transition and Insight. Your card goes on to say that Dragonfly, the ambassador of change in transcendence, is your guide in rising above illusion into a world of light and healing. Dragonfly urges you to kick start the changes necessary in order to move forward. Ride the winds of change. Allow yourself to break free from a turbulent past and move into a more positive future, as a solution is on the horizon. The process of healing has begun, so believe in yourself and your new sense of purpose. Focus on where you want to be. A new perspective will recharge your vitality. In moving through the mists of change, you will find your true power. Additional Meanings: Transition • Healing • Motion • Resolution of difficulties • Insight.
My hope for you this week is that you realize your story begins and ends with you. Maybe you’ve been lost in other people’s drama, or you gave up a part of yourself in order to fit into a structure that you hoped would offer you safety and security. Whatever has occurred for you, remember that the power is and always has been in your hands. Do something with it that supports your personal development now <3
This is your week! make it an amazing one 🙂
Posted at 14:24h, 13 FebruaryReblogged this on Moon In Selene and commented:
Check out Sarah – and her fabulous mermaid nails! – with a look at this week. Sarah knows!!!