29 Nov The week ahead: November 27th through December 3rd:
OK lovelies! We have a hell of a week ahead: first we’re in Sagittarius season, so our need to travel, to learn new things that enrich us and expand our spiritual horizon, as well as finding our freedom will be big for us. Then, we have mercury going retrograde the day before the full moon in the sign of Gemini. Whew! Mercury is also the ruling planet of Gemini, so I have a feeling this full moon is gonna be bruiser.
Gemini is the sign of the twins, and sometimes, it feels like you’re talking to two people in one body. These guys are incredibly intelligent, mentally sharp, and able to juggle multiple conversations and interests while making it seem like nothing; these guys are the ultimate multi taskers. With Mercury going retrograde, it pays for us to slow down, have patience, and check everything we do. It’s also incredibly difficult to find out the truth during this time since everything is so hazy, so be careful who you believe and question all the information that comes across your desk. The negative side of Gemini is one who deceives with information, while the negative for Sagittarius is the zealot, specifically in regards to a religion or spiritual thought, so just be careful this week of any political or religious figures, mystics, psychics, or spiritual leaders that may be twisting information or banging the war drums. A good rule of thumb is that if the person is leading you by fear or getting you to do something based on fear, this is not someone you should be following or listening to, whatsoever. The powerfully insightful Chani Nicholas from ChaniNicholas.com says,
“This is a weekend where folks will want to reach for the ideal scenario. A weekend that can remind us of the exquisite importance of optimism. A weekend that makes known the consequences of mistaking a mirage for a final destination.
As Jupiter trines Neptune (the first of three transits between these two over the course of the next year) the urge to connect is magnified. These two together want to bring out the best of our human hearts. They want to elevate our minds to places where we might remember how incredible a gift it is to make even the smallest acts of kindness central to our everyday life. They want to bring us back to the importance of striving for some larger understanding of our little human life and extending that out to all we come in contact with.
It’s a high worth riding.
But steady on. Mercury’s station retrograde is right around the corner. In a sign in which Mercury struggles a great deal, sitting next to Saturn, Mercury’s last retrograde of the year is one that is defining. Lining up with a time when we are naturally looking back on the year past, this review is an important one. This is the end of Saturn’s transit through Sagittarius. These two come together twice over the next three weeks delivering important messages about Saturn’s time here. Since it will be another 30 years before Saturn re-enters Sagittarius, it’s a bitter sweet goodbye. Whatever we have been able to define, dedicate and get serious about in this area of our lives will serve us for the next 3 decades to come.
Come the very end of the week, Neptune plays tricks with the sun and moon. Squaring them both during the full moon, Neptune will make us parse out which situations inspire us to new heights and which leave us too intoxicated to pick ourselves up the next day.
Keep as grounded as you can.”
So how can we use the energy of this week to help us? My advice is this: Where is it easy in your life to go to extremes, and how is educating yourself linked into finding your balance? What system of red flags can you put in place so that you know when you’re being led by fear instead of by inspiration? How can you double check yourself and others to make sure all information being shared or received is coming from a reputable source? This week, take it easy and take your time. With this week and weekend getting intense, the only way to balance it out is to foster more patience <3
Think about drawing down the moon this week. The full moon is a time when relationships of all kinds are highlighted, including the one with yourself. It’s also a time when projects started at the last new moon can be harvested or completed. Take stock right now of any imbalances in your partnerships and wrap up projects that need to move on to the next level. You can also set out a bowl of water at this full moon to soak up all the energy. You can use it later to scry in or use the water to nourish yourself with. If you like to do incantations, prayer or mediation at the full moon, this will add some pep to your step. I like this Pagan/Wiccan incantation I found that says, “Mother Goddess, lend me your light. Give me your power on this faithful night. I invoke you into my being and soul. Fill up my vessel, make me feel whole. I stand before you in awe and in love. I cherish your gifts you send from above. I ask you tonight to show unto me. My mother, my Goddess, So Mote It Be.” Feel free to change this in any way you like or to make it your own, any way you see fit. Make sure to face the full moon and out stretch your arms so you can take everything in. Enjoy this powerful energy!
Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two, or all three cards–choose what your’re drawn to). The stone you see in the picture is Amazonite. Amazonite assists in communicating one’s true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. It also enables one to see a problem from another’s point of view in order to affect peace, or to see both sides of an issue objectively to resolve one’s own inner conflicts. Sleeping with an Amazonite can bring these components into focus through the symbolism of dreams. As a support stone, Amazonite aids in overcoming loneliness, and has been credited with making married life happier. Amazonite is a Barrier Filter crystal that blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. Place it near computers and other electronics, or tape to your cell phone. In the workplace, Amazonite dispels negative energy and aggravation, and protects against unfair business practices and others taking advantage. A stone of prosperity, Amazonite attracts new customers and orders to a business, and assists one in being in the right place at the right time for new opportunities. Amazonite is a good luck stone for games of chance, competitions and luck in any financial venture. To make a lucky-charm, combine three Amazonites and a small amount of basil and mint in a small pouch. Leave it in front of a turquoise candle until the candle burns down. Hide an Amazonite in a child’s or teen’s bedroom to encourage tidiness, and keep a dish of Amazonites on the kitchen table to persuade others to assist more with chores. If you’d like to learn more about this stone, please go here.
If you chose card #1: Your card this week is about the Eight of Wands. Your card goes on to say that this is a card of movement and transition. If life has been feeling overwhelming, know that a positive change is still very possible. Now is the time to take any initiative and grasp any potential opportunities that come your way. Once you can focus on a specific task or goal, there’s nothing that you cannot accomplish. It is the self direction, determination, and confidence that comes with clarity, vision, and drive. It also has to do with establishing productive habits and organizational skills. The Eight of Wands can also highlight positive success through group strength and cooperation. Additional Meanings: Adventure • Change • Newfound success • Group strength • Collaboration • Successful timing.
If you chose card #2: Your card this week is about the Three of Cups. Your card goes on to say that the Three of Cups indicates a time of celebration, friends, family, and home. It represents a period of spiritual and psychic growth as you learn to raise your own vibration. You surround yourself with the people you love, and together you create wonderful, blissful memories. If you have been over-exerting yourself in some way, now would be a good time to relax and take a break. Give yourself permission to explore your hobbies and creative interests. What future adventures lie just beyond the horizon? Additional Meanings: Abundance • Healing • Solace • Family • Birth • Study.
If you chose card #3: Your message this week is about the Knight of Swords. Your card goes on to say that if this is about a situation: You have clear intentions and your eye is on the prize. It may feel as though nothing can stop you now, and that the world is full of possibilities. It is, however, important that you make a clear plan for those necessary steps, in order to reach your goals. Do not move too hastily or rush ahead, or else you may find that you will be regretful in the future. It is important to take your time, and find balance in all things, mind, body, and spirit. If this is about a person: An extremely enthusiastic, assertive individual who is both intelligent and energetic. They’re ready to take any necessary steps in order to manifest their desires, which can sometimes make them come off as hasty or impulsive if they are not aware of any potential challenges along the way. A minor lack of foresight, but great determination in achieving what they want. Additional
Meanings: Ambitious • Capable • Energetic • Self determined • Naive.
My hope for you this week is that you stay anchored to the truth, and that the path you follow is paved in inspiration. If anyone or anything tries to steer you away from this course or make you believe that you need to do something based on a fear you have, you need to know you’re being controlled and not guided. When in doubt, tap in and make sure you’re grounded. No one can lead you down any path if you’re sure of who and what you’re about.
This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂
Posted at 11:13h, 29 NovemberReblogged this on Moon In Selene and commented:
Sarah has a great deal to say – don’t miss it!!!!