24 Feb The week ahead: February 23rd through February 28th of 2021:
We have a full moon coming up on the 27th in the sign of Virgo. It’s another liminal week, so if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice signs, synchronicities and just straight up weird shit going down around you:
What have you been seeing?
What do the signs mean to you?
What’s the first thing you thought when you saw it?
I’ve found in liminal times, a door opens. It’s almost like a moment of possibility shows up, and an offering is on the table. And during Pisces season, the key to accessing this space is through your intuition, daydreams, meditation or actual dream space.
With a full moon in Virgo too, maybe you’re dreaming about your new health routine, what you would feel like healed or in a healing space, where you’re called to be of service, your schedule and the freedom you can get from getting organized, or maybe it’s just your next project. Virgo’s are the healers, so maybe even a theme around forgiveness (which is also very Pisces) so you CAN heal. Full moons are a time to harvest, so we’re reaping what we’ve put attention towards:
Was your attention properly applied this past month?
Is what you’re reaping what you wanted? And if not, how can you reapply your energy in a way that does attract what you want?
Are you living your true calling?
Where do you need to apply forgiveness in your life?
With yourself?
With another?
No matter the answers, at this full moon, make real steps towards making better, more organized, and healthier choices for yourself.
You’re worth it 💖
So how can we work with the energy of this week? This week is all about self care, too. How can you support both your head and your heart space at this full moon? Pisces season is going to need a lot of room to daydream, so why not daydream from your heart? A good way to keep open possibilities would be to envision something going right, or a preferred outcome. Get into it! Feel your happiness, joy, win, or goal with your emotions, and try to get a clear a picture as you can in your head. This is a powerful place of manifestation in a week of liminal power. Use it for good.
Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two, or all three cards–choose, what you’re drawn to). The top card is the overarching theme for everyone and it’s something to keep in mind or to remember, no matter what energy shows up for you as the week goes on. The stone you see in the picture above is Blue Fluorite. Blue Fluorite opens channels of communication, both in this reality and between this plane and other worlds. It is wonderful for those having a hard time accepting the here and now to reach out to others. Wear or carry Blue Fluorite to soften dealings with those who are brutally honest, and in the workplace to communicate logical thoughts that move actions forward when people argue in circles. Use Fluorite to clear mental fog, confusion or conflicting ideas, or to quiet worried thoughts and anxiety. It is ideal for overcoming any form of disorganization, and is perfect for increasing thought and concentration. An excellent study and learning tool, Fluorite helps absorb new information, and improves memorization and retention. Used regularly, it nurtures the intelligence and is even believed to raise the I.Q. Fluorite clusters are particularly conducive to working with modern technologies. Their frequency harmonizes with computers and electronics, and draws off environmental stress and negative energies from electromagnetic fields. Their presence in work areas, labs or places of study helps the mind stay focused, organized and clear. They are remarkable talismans for analysts, accountants, scientists, engineers, researchers, processors, programmers or designers. They benefit anyone who works under pressure or lives life at a fast pace to keep the mind calm and productive. Fluorite gives form and structure to energies, ideas and concepts, stirs creativity and opens the mind to new possibilities. As “dream crystals,” Fluorite protects the mind and is marvelous for freeing the spirit at night to explore, travel and expand without fear or disturbance. Place one under the pillow to heal night terrors and sleep paralysis, and to prevent unwanted out of body trips. Fluorite angels, spheres and eggs provide soft energy and breaks down barriers between our world and angelic realms. Use single color Blue Fluorite for cloud scrying. Fluorite is an excellent “focus stone” for maintaining discipline in a health or fitness plan by incorporating structure into daily life and garnering strength and endurance for physical activities, such as Pilates, yoga, running, or muscle training. It also assists in balance and coordination. If you’d like to learn more about this stone, please go here.
Over arching theme: Ten of Cups: Your card goes on to say that the Ten of Cups is an enchanting message to receive. It signifies great happiness in all areas of relationships – family, friendship and romance – and askes you to make the most of what life has to offer. This is a blissful period of dazzling moments that ignite passion and play. When its underlying energy shows up, things don’t get much better than this. Now is the time to relax and let loose, and soak up new experiences! The deeper root of this message also encourages you to let go and check the materialistic distractions, which allows you to forge a path of spiritual integrity. From here, you can dive deep, and dream of the foundation you really want to build in this life. As you align with this powerful heart energy, the silver linings are always visible – the glass is more than half full (it overflows!). A potent time of happiness and abundance is on the horizon! Questions to ask yourself right now: How can I focus on the positive light in this moment? How can I bask in the love that surrounds me? Your mantra: I relax into love and bliss. I treasure the moments that fill my cup. Additional Meanings: Friendship • Growth • Harmony • Fulfillment • Peace.
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