19 Mar The week ahead: March 19th through March 25th of 2018:
I’m still feeling those new moon vibes, and if you are too, we still have 2 weeks to play with the energy and information that was presented on the 17th/18th. What came up for you? There was a finality attached with everything going on, so hopefully it had you either facing or actively releasing what became so glaringly clear that doesn’t work and what does. Again, pay attention to the next couple of weeks to see how things continue to play out, and know that more info is on the way to help you cut free any loose strings.
Spring (Vernal) Equinox shows up on the 20th, which is the start of the Spring season in the Northern hemisphere and brings with it Aries season starting on the 21st. SPRING IS FINALLY HERE, PEOPLE! HALLELUJAH! As you can guess, I’ve been waiting for this week for a hot minute, as I’m an Aries and winter time sucks 🙂 Allow me to officially welcome you to Aries season though and let me speak from the heart here for a sec–Aries are dicks. Aries also don’t generally care for your feelings or what you want, unless it’s aligned with what they want, or unless these lunatics have a softer moon sign (like Cancer or Pisces) to round out their selfish tendencies. This is sign that starts the zodiac wheel (1st house) and their personal mantra is, “I AM.” Aries do not fuck around and they don’t take prisoners, just like the god of war, Mars, who rules this sign. Fire fueled and ready to take action, these are the pioneers, risk-takers (on the physical end), and the first borns with something to prove. Warriors are born in this sign, and you’ll usually see them fighting for whatever cause sparks that flame they can so readily access. Aries do have a softer side though, and it’s almost always for the underdog. So make sure this week if you see somebody struggling, reach out a hand and lift them up. It only takes a quick minute to let someone know their cause (or them) is worth fighting for. In the beautifully quoted words of Peter Quill/Star Lord (who I feel is an Aries) from the first Guardians of the Galaxy, “He says that “he’s an A-hole and I’m not”, and I’m quoting him here, “one-hundred percent a dick”.”
PS – Mercury goes retrograde as of the 22nd and ends on April 15th, which I’ll cover more next week. In the meantime, employ your patience (Aries are NOT known for this), and calm (this either), while keeping plans open for any snafus that are bound to show up. Back up that computer or your data asap too!
So how can we use the energy of this week to help us? My advice is this: What deep emotional issue came up for you at the new moon, and what steps can you now take to rectify, face, or heal the situation? You’ve been a bit obsessed with your love life lately; what needs to be communicated or expressed here (not necessarily to the object of your affection but possibly to yourself or a trusted friend) so you can balance your life back out? The way you think and communicate has been changing lately–are you getting across exactly what you mean? This week, don’t be one-hundred percent a dick. Literally everyone around you will thank you <3
Go ahead and pick a card from above (pick one, two, or all three cards–pick what you’re drawn to). The stone you see is carnelian. Orange stones, especially the carnelians, are excellent aids for training, coordination of physical exercise programs, and for balancing body energy levels. Carnelians boost a listless attitude and can stimulate the appetite. Used as a professional support crystal, Carnelian aids architects, builders and construction workers in their creation of master buildings, stimulates power and stamina in athletes and military personnel, establishes form and organization in journalists, and stimulates motivation in salespersons. Carnelian is said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. It is a talisman for success in any money-making venture. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination, and wards off undue pressures of co-workers or impersonal corporations with unrealistic expectations. Carnelian clarifies the voice. It is the Singer’s Stone. It also promotes confidence for performances on stage or in live media. Carnelian is traditionally known to guard against falling masonry and accidents with tools. Today it guards the home from theft, fire, storm or accident. Carnelian lends the courage needed to help overcome difficulties and defend a cause. It promotes idealism, a sense of community and pragmatism. Orange and red Carnelian are important crystals to use for love, and for the consummation of love. Orange crystals, in particular, are fertility and potency symbols and are linked with conceiving a child. Carnelian of either color may help in rekindling passions that might have faded in an otherwise loving relationship. If you’d like to learn more about this stone, please go here.
If you chose card #1: Your message this week is about Challenge and Growth. Your card goes to say that graceful Leopard is a problem solver, and she utilizes her shape shifting abilities to enhance her personal power. She’s here to help you shift into your own innate power so that you may pursue your goals with passion, and fight for what you believe in. In the midst of conflict, do not allow opposition to keep you from moving ahead in your endeavor. By the same token, be open to the views of others, and don’t be afraid to ask questions in order to clarify a situation. With challenge comes spiritual growth. As you weather the storm, focus on new strategies, and seek deeper clarity and truth. Trust in yourself and defend your belief structures. Contend with the matter in the spirit of action, and in the knowingness that challenges will be overcome. Additional Meanings: Challenge • Growth • Conflict • Brainstorming • Adrenalin • Tension • Opposing energies.
If you chose card #2: Your message this week is about Renewal and Enlightenment. Your card goes on to say that Peacock, watchful and dignified, trust in the wonders that the future holds. Her feathers are associated with resurrection: a rising from the ashes. It’s now time to shed the feathers of your past and be rid of your old ways of thinking. Step into the beauty of your individuality with the new plume of self confidence. Graced with the vision to see ahead, Peacock will direct you in making all of the changes you desire; changes that will result in new patterns and breakthroughs. This is a time of inner-development and new beginnings. Great things are about to take place. Be mindful of your dream state, as it will bring forth revelations and ideas that will help you shape your new reality. Allow the new to emerge. You are the divine self reawakened. Additional Meanings: Renewal • Enlightenment • Revelation • Spiritual awakening • Healing • New purpose.
If you chose card #3: Your message this week is about Peace and Compassion. Your card goes on to say that a channeler of love, Seal’s heart holds a well of deep wisdom. She moves through life with her gift of her inner voice to keep her balanced in the ebb and flow of emotion. A natural healer, Seal thrives in harmony and peace, approaching all situations in a diplomatic manner. It is Seal’s nature to care for those around her, and she intuitively knows when someone needs comfort. Love drives her actions, and she’s come ashore to remind you that joy and pleasure are yours for the taking, just as it is for the giving. Submerge into the waters of emotional integrity, and let yourself feel deeply. Feelings born from the pure essence of the heart bring life to yourself and others. Additional Meanings: Emotional security • Peace • Compassion • Happiness • Intuitive • Comfort • Caring • Loyal.
My hope for you this week is that you’re ready for a fresh start. So many things have been weighing you down and pulling on your energy, and this new moon probably highlighted what HAD to go. It’s not easy to let go, so have some patience with yourself and your process, and remember that you’ve now opened up some space for the right situation to find you <3
This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂
Posted at 12:10h, 20 MarchReblogged this on Moon In Selene and commented:
Aries Season starts this week – check out what Sarah has to say about it!