The week ahead: December 2nd through December 8th:


The first thing I noticed about this week’s reading was the one suit of Air and two of Earth. This says to me that at the beginning of the week, we’ll be living up in clouds; consumed with our thoughts; and by mid week to the end, we’ll be focused on the world around us. The crystals I used for this week’s reading are aragonite and a quartz wand to amplify the properties of the aragonite; grounding stone that helps to relieve stress/anger/resentment, and also aids in helping you to be fully present in your life.

On to the good stuff!

The beginning of the week says that you’ll be able to express objective decision making, as well as clearing away all that doesn’t serve you; it feels like that job is never done sometimes. It’s time to clean house again, and that could mean people, situations, or thoughts. If it isn’t giving you what you need, or helping you reach your goals, it’s gotta go! This card also makes me feel that whatever life altering decision that’s been laid at your door, is yours to decide upon. You can’t shove this responsibility off on someone else. Know that you’re capable of not only handling the issue at hand, but you’ll feel like you’re starting to own your personal power. That is a beautiful place to be in! The card goes on to say that if this is a situation: Your clear decision making abilities are needed right now. See through any hidden agendas. It’s time to remove anything or anyone from your life who presence no longer serves your greatest good. Still, try to see the underlying humor. If this is about a person: Someone with incredible insight and perceptiveness with regard to situations and people. A person with a marvelous wit, a keen mind, and a forthright personality who doesn’t take life too seriously. A perfectionist, but not judgmental. An unmarried person. Independent. Experienced. Candid. Realistic.

The middle of the week wants to speak about the seeds you planted back in June. The seedling of your idea/project/dream just broke through the soil and is becoming a reality. It looks like you had multiple projects/ideas/craziness going on then, but I feel that what you started or even talked/dreamed about was a pet project to you. Watch this week as you see signs of growth in respect to what you held dear in June. Whatever was started, is going to propel you forward like a slingshot. Continue to speak and think good words about your project too. This will help foster the growth of what’s so very important to you right now. The card goes on to say that the fruits of your labor continue to grow, and harvest is imminent. Patience is essential as you pause to plan your next steps. You may feel you have far to go, but don’t forget how far you’ve already come. Review and acknowledge your progress from a broader perspective. Anxiety regarding the current situation is unfounded. Any halt in forward movement is temporary. This is a good time to rest or vacation to recharge your batteries. Additional Meanings: Perseverance • Reaching a milestone • Considering a new approach • Unnecessary worry.

The end of the week wants to talk about perspective. If you look to the last card, you’ll notice the fairy is adding a third egg to the right half of the scale; but the scales are even and with three eggs on the left already. This says to me that an obstacle you’ve encountered, requires you to take a step back before you react. Before you blow up or cry your eyes out, allow some time to pass. Everything has yet to come to light, there is still one piece missing. I feel as though everything is even and good, or at least will be once you know the final piece to the puzzle. This situation is not what it seems on the outside. So, take a step back, breath deeply, and allow the situation to unfold in front of you. You will be pleasantly surprised. I also feel like someone will be giving you something you need to “even the score.” I think this will seem like it will come out of nowhere, but will be deserved nonetheless. The card goes on to say that abundance is on the way. The Universe loves a grateful heart and rewards gratitude with more abundance. You may be the recipient of this bounty, or you may be the giver. Gifts may be monetary or take some other form, such as an opportunity, advice, and so forth. New career opportunities present themselves involving those who can be relied upon to be fair and responsible. Promotions, bonuses, and financial rewards are all possible at this time. Additional Meanings: Profit sharing • Receiving a loan • The paying off of debts • Celebration of a job well done.

Holy cow! What a week! If you take some time to clean out what no longer serves you, you’ll find you have room for everything that makes you happy. If you find you still don’t have time, you’re due to prioritize. Those seeds you planted back in June are starting to bloom, so get ready to harvest all the goodness you put in motion. Continue to speak lovingly about your situation to help it manifest faster. Finally, get ready to receive some abundance. Whether it be time, advice, or actual money, you’ll be reaping some benefits by the end of the week. Just remember that if you run into a perceived obstacle, take a step back. Allow it to fully unfold and you’ll do just fine.

If you’d like a personal, in-depth reading, please

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This is your week! Make it an amazing one 🙂

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